Photography News July 6

The team introduces daily PHOTOGRAPHY and MEDIA news supporting the frizztext blog: frizztext edition: July 6. Today I’ve been moved by a photo published by the Telegraph: sardines swim around a shark.

Secondly flickr photographers are feeding daily my group BLOG IT!. My choice for the “photo of the day”:
What To Write?
title=”What To Write?” – photo by Johntasaurus.
The photo attracted me, because it expresses the distance to the world that I would love to have while writing (blogging). If on holiday you could not find me at the beach. I would search for a hotel with a room like this (with fast internet connection).
music of the day:
me playing on my Dobro / national steel resonator guitar…

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

5 responses to “Photography News July 6

  1. Sonel

    That is a great shot indeed and I agree Frizz. Love the guitar piece. Well played. šŸ˜€


  2. I’d rather have the room to write than lie on a beach anytime Frizz!


  3. What a stunning shot! I would certainly opt for a room like this – if I could afford one – over a swanky beach resort too šŸ™‚


  4. Amy

    I would search for a hotel with a room like this… — We don’t want to miss your stories, posts, photos, guitar playing… :). We are so spoiled, I know I am. Happy weekend, Frizz!


  5. Room with a sunny view to spend a quiet afternoon in while writing poems, stories or editing photos. Lovely …


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