Weekly Photo Challenge: Nostalgic

At first, please, let me play YESTERDAY on my acoustic guitar, to dig for the right mood:

I like this VOLKSWAGEN replica, because it helps me to activate some funny memories: as I helped my mother to learn car driving (we landed upside down in a small lake, deep in the forest)…
click on the picture to enter my galleries on Flickr.com
comment by Julie Alicea: My father would only buy these cars and there were 5 of us who would have to stuff ourselves into that car. and to make matters worse he loved to travel, we travelled all over Europe in that little car and then he brought it to Puerto Rico and we travelled all over the island in it, then we moved to the USA and travelled in almost every state in the union stuffed like sardines in that car. My sister and I had an imaginary line in the back seat where she was not allowed to cross and vice versa, and if she put one finger on my side we would start fighting like cats and dogs in the back of the VW, imagine that with 5 people in it!
comment by “stumbleon”: My father had a 1954 VW with a split rear window like yours. Then I had a 1971 VW which I loved. I even lived in it for a while.
Weekly Photo Challenge: Nostalgic
I'm part of Post A Day 2013

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

27 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Nostalgic

  1. A favorite car of mine.


  2. Tom

    100% nostalgisch!


  3. Ah the VW Bug/Beatle! Never owned one, but one of my friends did and we loved to pile as many people into it as possible just for fun. I forget what our record was, but I’m sure it was more than five. One sociological detail I’ve noticed about car owners is that tall people often drive small cars [my uncle also had a VW, and he was about 6′ 2”] and short people drive large cars like Cadillacs.


  4. Your imaginary line reminds me a little of some of the disputes we had when my siblings and I were younger 🙂


  5. The car and your story about kids in the car fighting – brings back fond memories!


  6. Beautiful nostalgia!


  7. Amy

    Very cool, Frizz! 🙂


  8. Many memories of the old Beetles – my third grade teacher owned a white one, and every year, during the last week of school, he mixed up a bunch of paint (that old powdered stuff they had in schools), drove the Bug onto the playground, and gave all the kids in his class paint brushes to decorate the car. He then drove it home (30 miles) to show his wife and kids. Such fun.
    In sixth grade, we were offered the opportunity to skip recess at noon and go to the middle school for square dancing lessons. One afternoon, the teacher decided to take us to a friend’s house, where we would attend a barn dance. We piled several (8?) kids into his Bug. I was on the lap of another student in the front passenger seat, and he jumped, and put my head through the windshield. Somehow, I was not injured, but the windshield was a goner, so we did not end up at the barn dance that day.


  9. Great post! I always think back to our 1970s station wagon with wood paneling! We drove all over and even from Minnesota to Mexico in it! 🙂


  10. VW Beatle, great car – as kids we used to crawl all the way into the back, behind the back seat. And I too, remember lots of fighting in the back of the car 😉 And the car was baby blue 🙂
    Great story! Many memories are coming back!
    Have a very HAPPY weekend! 🙂


  11. I had a ’75 Super Beetle that I loved dearly and that went all over the US, even in four-wheeling places. I figured if I ever got stuck, I could find some men to lift it out. 🙂



  12. Sonel

    Lovely memories. 😀


  13. Not the first this time! You are human 😉 and what a beautiful car.


  14. My first car was a Fusca


  15. A VW bug was my first also. I then got a Karman Ghia convertible *both were used.* I was out one night and when I came home the super’s wife told me that a drunk driver plowed into my precious convertible and tried to leave! He had damage and couldn’t go fast so she ran after him! lol Haven’t thought about that in years…thanks for the memories. 😛


  16. Love your green Beetle Frizz. I noticed too that someone pipped you to the post 😀


  17. Very nostalgic story…I decided no to show something about myself…or not to tell too much because the pictures for this challenge are nostalgic by themselves.
    But i’m thinking to come back to my “old blog formula”, soon…

    And your “Yesterday” is so nostalgic too. thanks !


  18. Amazing that all children all over the world have that same line somehow!!


  19. The VW … we had one that was yellow. It was called a clown car when we had it due to a commercial that showed many, many clowns exiting from the car. Very funny to watch. It was very good on saving gas.
    Loved the new Cadillac version, too. Your wife is very beautiful.


  20. Thihi… travelling in that small car – must have been… well better not say? – It is a wonderful memory you set up for me/us which also makes me remember time like that – was actually similary – Thanks Frizz


  21. In Österreich heißt das “schöner Buckel!”


  22. Great song selection! I remember the story involving landing in the water with the car.


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