Story Challenge: Letter “M”

Hi Bloggers! Do you have to share a story or a short reflection tagged with the letter “M”? For example I’ve written about MANHATTAN (read below), about Madrid or Munich, modern times and mouths, Mexico and Montenegro, mothers and motorcycles, memories and musicians, milk or moon, military or mankind, minaretts and metronoms, Metropolis or Mursi people, mosques or the Mekong river etc. – I’m sure you’ll find an own story or a short reflection tagged with “M”! Feel free to add in the comments the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “M”!!!


John Dos Passos (1896-1970) has tried to compose an artwork built of the stuff: MANHATTAN, – and it works like a movie script – but written in a time (1925), in which the film industry did not yet have the tremendous technical and financially possibilities available as they owe today. I hope I will experience in my lifetime, that MANHATTAN TRANSFER once is a movie – read more at Manhattan Transfer


  • Do you have a favorite movie? Which?
  • Would you like to create an own cinema-movie / youtube video / TV-spot? Which?

at the window
title=”at the window” – photo by vinduPhoto – click on the picture to enter his flickr galleries!
comment by Elizabeth Obih-Frank:
I thought you were writing about the 1970s music group by the same name MANHATTAN TRANSFER!

“M” Photos + “M” Challenge + “M” Galleries + ABC visualized: M! + Manhattan Transfer

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

73 responses to “Story Challenge: Letter “M”

  1. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “M” | Ohm Sweet Ohm

  2. Allan G. Smorra

    Your timing on this challenge could not have been better. Thank you.

    Here is my entry:


    • hi Allan,
      thank you for introducing this interesting theater project!
      “… It is like being on movie set, you are literally part of the play as it takes place…”


  3. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter M = mandible « scrapydo

    • “The interesting part of this whole thing was that when I touched a feeler, his hind legs shot out and up and it was also in the meantime making a noise by opening and closing its MANDIBLES…”
      you are RICH because you have the TIME to make a DIALOGUE with this little insect!


  4. Lots of M’s in most any language so a good choice of letter. Looking through my extensive blog files I saw this old one that I posted early on. It’s about Willie Mays, my childhood hero and the best baseball player I have ever seen. Perhaps Joe DiMaggio was smoother and a better hitter. I only saw Di Maggio play a couple of times, and that was in the Old-Timer’s games – and each time he hit a home run… But Willie Mays is remembered to me the best and the finest of them all. An Ode to Willie Mays….


  5. I do play stories in my head. But I often get lost myself. Hehehehe. Love love this image, frizzz. It’s gonna be another memorable image. 😉


  6. Pingback: Photo Journal/ A-Z Photo Challenge: M is for Magic «

  7. Hi Frizz, here is our M contribution this week at GatheringBooks:

    I also thought that you were referring to the music group as I love Manhattan Transfer. 🙂

    Alas, I have too many favorite movies, it depends on the genre, really. City of God though, hands down, is one of those personal favorites. La Vita E Bella also comes up there on top (Life is Beautiful).


  8. Pingback: Ode to Wilie Mays « Every Day Another Story

  9. Well, I did not write a story, though I did explain my “M” photo’s. I hope you enjoy. Thank you for having this challenge. 🙂

    “M” Photo [ Story Challenge: Letter “M” ]

    “M” Photo [ Story Challenge: Letter “M” ]


  10. Pingback: STORY CHALLENGE: LETTER “M” « Francine In Retirement

  11. Hi Frizz, Here us my entry for the week.



  12. Pingback: “M” Challenge: Macro | Creativity Aroused

  13. Beautiful image!
    “Rainman” (Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman) is one of my favorite movies, probably my favorite.

    Here is my entry for this week:

    “M” Challenge: Macro


  14. Pingback: Story Challenge: Letter “M” « Flickr Comments | A-Z ARCHIVE : NELLIBELL49 ON THE BELLINGER RIVER IN 2012

  15. Do you have the whole day free since you ask me “Do you have a favorite movie and which..?” – many movies that have chiseled in my memory over time – and perpetrated irreparable pleasure for me… 😉

    – In the early 1970s about 10-12 years old, never forgets these 2:
    “Ditte Menneskebarn” (danish) and “Ordet” (danish)



  16. Hello again. Thanks for the chance to share a post that I wrote just before spring this year, about the Mimosa trees and blossom in Portugal:


  17. Pingback: The Story Challenge – M for Mouthful « The Best Years Are…

  18. Pingback: Photo Story Challenge: Letter “M” | ilargia64

  19. Good morning Frizz!
    Here is my contribution to your Challenge and to your question about films…

    Photo Story Challenge: Letter “M”


  20. Amy

    Beautiful image, Frizz! See you later 🙂


  21. Beautiful black and white photo. Is there someone who remember who taught you to ice skate, a teacher who guided you, a positive role model? My M is for mentor.


  22. Hi everybody … here’s my take on this week’s M Challenge:

    A-Z Challenge: The Letter M: Menagerie


  23. jakesprinter

    Beautiful post my friend for this week “M” theme ,thanks for sharing 🙂


  24. Hi everyone. It’s been awhile since I posted on this Challenge. It’s nice to be back.

    Story Challenge: Letter “M” | A Beautiful Mind


  25. My contribution for M……Macao.The Morning After. at


  26. My favorite movie right now is the Swedish film As It Is In Heaven,

    and here’s my story to Moon:

    thanks again for the inspiration!


  27. Wolfgang Hermann

    miles a jazz bar in graz


  28. sent by wolfgang herrmann:


  29. Pingback: The ‘Old Peak’ Of The Inca « The Urge To Wander

  30. Gorgeous image Frizz! Romantic place and romantic era 🙂
    Here is mine:


  31. There are so many movies I like…
    I’m not sure I could ever pick a favorite!


  32. Hi Frizz,

    Great story challenge. I love the photo you used.

    M is for Mt. St. Helens! M is also for memoir, and here is what I was doing when Mt. St. Helens erupted.

    Where Were You When Mt. St. Helens Erupted? I Covered My Ash…



  33. Pingback: My other Mother | perceptionsofareluctanthomemaker

  34. That’s a lovely photo Frizz. Here’s my story for the challenge;

    My other Mother


  35. Pulling up from behind comes Zeebra! I’m slowly returning to the land of the living! Here’s my contribution to the challenge of M!

    M for Mola! Story Challenge – Letter M


  36. Pingback: Sculpture “Maman” « Exploring the world

  37. Pingback: Story Challenge : “Letter M” | aysabaw

  38. hope am not late for the challenge
    and hope you like my “M”

    Story Challenge : “Letter M”


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