Weekly Photo Challenge: Near And Far

NEAR AND FAR: Leaving on a jet plane: power-engine near by my side + cloud landscapes to dream away …
evening glow ...
photo taken by frizztext; for more click on the picture to visit my flickr photo stream …
weekly-photo-challenge: NEAR AND FAR
I always book the window seat to walk through the cloudscapes – virtually …

β€œHe who lives in our mind is near
though he may actually be far away;
but he who is not in our heart
is far though he may really be nearby.”

[Chanakya] – found at laavventura.wordpress.com

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

69 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Near And Far

  1. WOW! Really stunning! πŸ™‚


  2. Amazing shot, Frizz… both near and far!


  3. Wonderful golden light


  4. I love the color and the light of this shot. The composition is also really good – especially given you were limited to your seat. πŸ™‚ Fun interpretation of the theme. Thanks, Frizz.


  5. This is truly a magnificent shot, and the song you chose to go with it is perfect.


  6. Excellent interpretation, beautiful shot πŸ˜€


  7. I especially like the color around the engine (or whatever that is) – love that coppery look!


  8. It’s very cool and rode on a plane recently.


  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far | Wind Against Current

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near And Far | Mondrak's Blog

  11. Amy

    Great shot. Thank you so much for playing the 500 Miles, my favorate!


  12. Perfect shot and song for the theme. πŸ™‚


  13. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: near and far. « 3rdculturechildren

  14. Really nice shot – the colours, the composition


  15. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Near and Far | Chittle Chattle

  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far (Lesbos) « What's (in) the picture?

  17. Hallo

    Ich bin KnowledgeKnut und ich habe bemerkt, dass Sie meinem Blog folgen. Ich habe 5 Jahre des Deutsch in SekundΓ€rschule gedauert. Ich mΓΆchte die Gelegenheit haben, mit jemandem zu ΓΌben. Denken Sie, dass das mΓΆglich wΓ€re?

    Vielen Dank
    p.s. I have to admit, most of this was done with the help of a translation site!


  18. Just wondering, was that your assigned seat on the plane and did you ask for that spot? Or did you borrow it for a few moments from another passenger? Great shot!



  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far « The White Pumpkin Light

  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far « Authentic Photography

  22. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far – Golden Gate | Humbled Pie

  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far – Mt. Tamalpais | Humbled Pie

  24. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far | Life of 24 Hours

  25. Great idea for the challenge… I used one of my similar ones too. πŸ˜‰


  26. That’s a great idea! I used to love to sit by the window as well…but now I have kids and they ALWAYS claim the window seats when we fly!

    I am really impressed, your photos are gorgeous. I have never gotten photos through those thick windows to look that beautiful! They’re both gorgeous but that second one is amazing. It’s so clear!

    Do you have these displayed anywhere as a collection? It would be amazing to see all of them one after another…or side-by-side. πŸ™‚



  27. One more thing–your guitar playing is wonderful. I could listen all day. Have you ever thought of trying Hawaiian-style slack key? That’s some of my favorite music and your playing sounds like you could play it beautifully. Just a thought!


  28. These photos are so stunning, and this post so brilliant! It’s my loss that little mini burro laptop refused to work any more last night, but -wow, this was a wonderful way to start the new day! Thanks so much! Z


  29. What an original interpretation of the near and far theme, brilliant! Great work! Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog! Have a fantastic Saturday! G.


  30. Great window shot! πŸ™‚


  31. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far The Sequel!! (Greece, Ireland, Holland) « What's (in) the picture?

  32. Claudia

    Absolutely beautiful photos! So crisp. I’d like to have the courage to learn how to fly an airplane so I can go up in the clouds anytime. I truly enjoy looking at the clouds. πŸ™‚


  33. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    Had my son on my computer – and now I can listen to the wonderful music you included


  34. Oh my, these photos are splendid, crisp, beautiful. They make me want to head out on a flight. 500 miles takes me back to my HS years—sitting around with my friends and playing guitars and singing. thanks so much for sharing your heart and soul with us through your photos and music.


  35. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far « Pictures for Froghopper

  36. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far | Cardboard Me Travels

  37. wowwwwww…amazinggggg


  38. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: More Near and Far | Humbled Pie

  39. Wonderful pictures. I felt I was right there with you. So vivid. Great capture of Near and Far!! Thank you for sharing πŸ™‚


  40. Incredible capture in both photos.
    Very good entries for the challenge.
    Perfect …
    Isadora http://insidethemindofisadora.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/weekly-photo-challenge-near-and-far/


  41. vastlycurious.com

    Wonderful lighting on the engine..I LOVE plane shots and have soo many- gotta post em…


  42. Beautiful music…great photo!


  43. That first shot is amazing! And perfect accompaniment as always πŸ™‚


  44. Wow !! I really dont know what to say … Those phoos are amazing …. keep up the good work ….


  45. Wow !! I really dont know what to say … Those photos are amazing …. keep up the good work ….


  46. WONDERFUL shot the first one….Me encanta!!! And the music!!! It reminds me a really nice summer , when I was much younger….
    I think it is a wonderful idea to go to some place like that and to read something from the classics…


  47. Pingback: evening glow …

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