new wordpress service: stats + map

stats March 9th – readers: 573

Surprise! WordPress service became one step better again: the stats have a map now! I like it very much!
my yesterday’s readers, 573:
250 USA
068 UK
049 India
021 Greece
021 Germany
020 Canada
019 Japan
016 Australia
015 Italy
013 Netherlands
012 Kenya

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

18 responses to “new wordpress service: stats + map

  1. There are many Japanese readers than I expected.


  2. Tammy

    cool! I didn’t know this! How fun!
    from Vermont, U.S.A.,


  3. I was really glad to see this also yesterday when I clicked on my stats page. Fun to see where people are from that have visited my blog.


  4. Hi! This is very cool, but my question is: how and where do I find it? Is it in widgets? Would like to include tis on my blog! Thanks!


  5. cobbies69

    check this and looks pretty good..;)


  6. Where is this Frizz??? It does look like fun


  7. We here in the USA sure do love you, dear Frizz! Yes, I love this new stat service at wordpress, also!


  8. Yes, it is a nice feature. WP Rocks! 😉


  9. I was very excited WP started including those maps… I’ve really been enjoying them, too!


  10. Always improvements .. this is a fun one to look at.
    Thanks, Frizz …


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