Italians in an old shoe box

looking after years in some old shoe boxes with photos, I found out, that always human interest was more important for me than skylines of houses, plants or sundowns. A small pocket camera was always by my side – still a bridge to what I felt years ago, when at first I was hit by the magic of the situation – can you understand me?

all photos by frizztext, click on the images to enter his flickr photo stream

big = 3

1 - reading the newspaper
2 - watching ice cream
3 - little girl in a gallery
4 - father and daughter going to school
5 - difficult cigarette lighting
6 - fast talk
7 - working with hot stuff
8 - waiting in a railway station

Ricki said on February 22, 2012 at 10:50 am:
I never dare to take pics of people or I ask them and the magic of the moment is gone then.
Reply by frizztext February 22, 2012 at 11:05 am:
if I ask a person for a portrait, the topic completely changes; for example analyze 3, 7 and 8: the tensions between sex (on photos or paintings as a part of a modern iconography) vs. the reality check: a child, a worker, a waiting man …

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

32 responses to “Italians in an old shoe box

  1. I love photos of people doing their thing, oblivious to your lens. They are the most candid. I don’t always have an opportunity to capture people, but love it when I do. Nice shots Frizz! Margie


  2. Capito…..great photos!


  3. i like black-white hahhaha


  4. Human interest has more appeal to me too, rather than buildings, etc., although sunsets and sunrises are good to photograph too.


  5. yes, it is people i like to find in my shoebox too … lovely shots of your Italians!


  6. Wolfgang Hermann

    Der Mensch in seinem Umfeld erregt das Interesse . Eines allein ist leer. Auch mich hat das Thema immer interessiert und bei meinen (Reise) Aufnahmen sind immer Menschen zu sehen . Ein willkürlich herausgegriffenes Beispiel:

    Mit herzlichen Grüßen – von Mensch zu Mensch


  7. Love these black and white photos… 😉


  8. comments – copy and paste – at my flickr server:
    working with hot glass … – hot stuff on the walls too
    comment by Will Wilson, San Francisco:
    A man of strong concentration.


  9. comments – copy and paste – at my flickr server:
    perfect multi-tasking – difficult cigarette lighting: no hands free to direct the boat, but the ass can help too
    comment by Will Wilson, San Francisco:
    He does not see the oncoming wave.


  10. comments – copy and paste – at my flickr server:
    fast talk
    comment by Will Wilson:
    He’s not going to like her response.


  11. Italians-8
    In Venice there is no subway, no bus, no tram; they enjoy to use a ferry early in the morning on their way to the office …


  12. P.S.:
    compare the work of Giancarlo Rado and his series “ITALIANS”

    Giancarlo Rado: a tribute to August Sander

    his hero is the photographer AUGUST SANDER
    I adore the style of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Edouard Boubat and Robert Doisneau …


  13. The black and white photos are great. Thanks for sharing.



  14. Ricki

    I never dare to take pics of people or I ask them and the magic of the moment is gone then.
    Very atmospheric your pics.


    • if I ask a person for a portrait, the topic completely changes;
      for example analyze 3, 7 and 8: the tensions between sex (on photos or paintings as a modern iconography) vs. the reality check: a child, a worker, a waiting man …


  15. Cool white and black photos.


  16. TBM

    A delightful collection.


  17. beautiful Italia!!!
    Carnival this year feels a little.
    Only Venice has so charming an air of confetti and masks!


  18. Brilliant views! The moment is so much richer from the outside. 🙂


  19. Reblogged this on Ralphie´s Portal and commented:
    Nice ones, Fritz!


  20. I, too, appreciate the human interest photos. I love how one photo can say a thousand words. Everyone has a story to tell and every one of your photos speaks volumes, my friend. Beautiful.

    Although, I do appreciate the lines, curves and folds of the old architecture, as well as the sky, whether it be morning, sunset, night, or stormy. Beauty is everywhere we choose to find it, and you always find it. 😉


  21. Great pictures. The stark black and white seem to reveal life so much better. The reflections in the first one make it outstanding


  22. Love all the black and white. Nice photos.


  23. Anonymous

    Italiani: brava gente!


  24. giancarlo rado

    Italiani brava gente


  25. Every one of these situations contains magic, only some of the participants are unaware of it. Let us have your photographer’s eye looking inside of ourselves to find the magic everywhere and always, Frizz!


  26. I love this black and white photo, I always in love with photo’s I find it fascinating and often times I am mesmerized every time I look at it , great sharing…


  27. Great series of photos! I prefer candid shots…they are more genuine.


  28. Brilliantly done, F.T…
    and I understand exactly how you feel!
    I wish I had your skill at capturing people on the street, etc… I always get so shy about it, though.


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