Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter

WINTER is like a reset button: time to stop the journey and think it all over …
the end of the line
photo by frizztext for the weekly photo challenge WINTER (No. 48) – click on the image to enter the collection of frizztext at flickr.com

A) completely all the weekly-photo-challenges by frizztext
B) http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2011/12/30/weekly-photo-challenge-winter-2/ (No. 48)
2Cadillac3unsold cars covered with snow
4C = Cat (on the road again)5snowy village
6end of the dreams7Pieter Breughel reloaded...
8typewriter's time is gone?9waiting for warm socks
10cat rescued in my arms11dinner cat
12winter13ready for a ride
14sunrise barn15icy

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

84 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter

  1. Thankfully we have none so far! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. It looks cold…..


  2. Love the composition on this one. For a second, I thought it was a real car. 🙂


  3. Brandon

    When I first glanced at the pic, I thought it was a white sand beach. http://wp.me/pdJ7S-tb


  4. Ronnie/Hurtled to 60

    Chilly! Great shots.


  5. Nicely done (as always) Frizz!


  6. Fantastic snow photos!


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter « An Uneducated Palate

  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Winter « Cheryl Andrews

  9. Pingback: Amazing winter-colors (Weekly Photo Challenge) « Cardinal Guzman

  10. Pingback: Found In The Silence – Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter « What about God?

  11. Are those toy cars? Excellent idea!

    I love the horses.


  12. I really love the one with the NYC cab.


  13. What brilliant fun you must have had!


  14. You fooled me! I thought they were real cars until I read these comments. Well done!


  15. thirdhandart

    Gorgeous winter photos! Any one of them would have been great for the challenge, but 15 beautiful photos takes your entry over the top. You’re an inspiration FrizzText! You definitely keep us on our toes (striving to keep up).


  16. You get some cool shots Frizz. Always unique. Margie


  17. Awesome…I like them all but my favorites are the cat walking in the snow and your photo with your cat (perhaps because I love cats 🙂


  18. Pingback: SITE 2C : Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter « Flickr Comments by FrizzText | LYNNE SANDERS-BRAITHWAITE

    • thank you for your comment:
      This week’s photo challenge – chosen with WordPress’ usual lack of innovative thinking is “WINTER”. It is even less significant for those of us living in the Southern Hemisphere where it is mid-Summer. It comes out on New Year’s Eve which would seem to me to provide with a lot of intriguing concepts. Thank goodness therefore for the innovation of the photographers themselves. First up, for me is FRIZZTEXT again. I am sitting here amongst forest and swimming holes in the river – and when I awaken on New Year’s Eve, here are these stunners. Shots of the Snow. I have not seen snow for many years. Thanks again Frizztext.


  19. Once again – thank you.


    • thank you for your comment, nellibell, reblogging me:

      SITE 2C : Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

      This week’s photo challenge – chosen with WordPress’ usual lack of innovative thinking is “WINTER”. It is even less significant for those of us living in the Southern Hemisphere where it is mid-Summer. It comes out on New Year’s Eve which would seem to me to provide with a lot of intriguing concepts. Thank goodness therefore for the innovation of the photographers themselves. First up, for me is FRIZZTEXT again. I am sitting here amongst forest and swimming holes in the river – and when I awaken on New Year’s Eve, here are these stunners. Shots of the Snow. I have not seen snow for many years. Thanks again Frizztext.


  20. Northern Narratives

    So many wonderful winter photos. Happy 2012 🙂


  21. Love the blanketed horses, the snowbound pink and red sports cars, and the folks tethered together! Winter is indeed our reset button. How very much we need it!


    • waiting for warm socks
      on the blanketed horses: one has a coat, the other not. so there are rich and poor in the horse society too! fifty / fifty. they say in human societies there are 99% poor and only 1% rich. so we can say there is more justice in the horse society. I forgot to mention: the coat for the horse was bought by the 1% people.



  23. Wonderful shots – the cat in the snow is stark and beautiful


  24. Your beautiful photos remind me why I love winter so much! No 11 is super spectacular!


  25. some great captures in this lot


  26. Love the pics. I really liked the typewriter on the table. Great sentiment at the beginning as well.


  27. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter « 3rdculturechildren

  28. Nando

    These are all excellent shots! I agree with Brandon: I initially thought it was at a beach! My favorite shots are one with the black cat on white snow and the typewriter. I love old typewriters.


  29. a whole photo essay on winter, delightful thanks frizztext!


  30. Wolfgang Hermann

    strong winter
    als die winter noch winter waren

    ein (altes) bild aus meinem garten
    herzl wolfgang


  31. Wolfgang Hermann

    als es noch einen richtigen winter gab

    – ein altes bild aus meinem garten

    strong winter

    lg wolfgang


  32. Excellent images, always!


  33. Great shots as always. Happy New Year. 🙂


  34. dd16591569

    your photos encouraged me to post my post about winter.. I only been in the snow twice but I had fun and was in both times very sick after .. but if I have another chance with the snow I will do the same .. 🙂 and being sick after it.. well it is part of it 🙂 😉


  35. brrrrrrrr
    i can almost feel the cold
    thanks for sharing 🙂


  36. Thanks for these delightful shots. Great humor!


  37. A winter collection indeed. Love the cat and the fish.


  38. incaunipocrit

    Reblogged this on Basil Wheel.


  39. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter | Lucid Gypsy

  40. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Winter « Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond…

  41. Wonderful shots! I especially liked the one of your cat leaving her prints in the snow. Where was she going?


    • C = Cat (on the road again)
      the cat in the snow metaphorical: us, stepping into 2012 like into a nowhere land…
      reality check: this is cat PAULI, shot through the window by my daughter in Bavaria …
      where is she going? rob some eggs from neighbor’s chicken? make the moles angry? going to hide in the wood, stapled for the oven? this cat PAULI is a bold philosopher: discover PAULI sitting with noblesse, ignoring the axe:
      Gustave Flaubert
      comment by marineavoile: Always this need to be where the action is. In the city, it is on our papers in front of our computer screen, in the country, I guess it is on the chopping block. He did tuck his tail away neatly, though, he is no fool!
      comment by El Paso Joe: Well, it’s a good thing we don’t eat cats for Thanksgiving.


  42. thanks for a great collection of winter. cars caught by the snow — a regular sight here, great idea the toy cars.


  43. Those are some great winter photos! I sure wouldn’t want to get stuck.


  44. Wow, another great serie by a great artist. Wonderful 🙂
    I wish you a Happy New Year 2012!
    – Pierre


  45. i’ll just add my “bravo” to all the others…you’ve lots of them… 🙂


  46. Such amazing winter photos! Happy New Year!


  47. Great photos, all of them.


  48. Great selections! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR :-)!


  49. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter… And Happy New Year! | Mirth and Motivation

  50. Pingback: new-year-nowhere-land « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  51. Great post. It looks like you had a lot of fun creating this. I certainly had fun looking.


  52. Love the pics but especially the kitty almost buried in the snow. So cute!

    Happy New Year!


  53. Amar Naik

    amazing photos


  54. wonderful photos! my favorites are the cab, the pink car and the cat….


  55. Nice! I hope those tiny tires are good ones – snow like that calls for serious traction!


  56. Love all the photos!


  57. creative and nice variety of shots …
    well done, Frizz … as always.


  58. looks there are so many reasons to show winter! It seems you like model cars. Nice pictures.


  59. Pingback: Snow or not snow « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  60. Pingback: Waking-up is hard to do « Directionally Impaired in Life's Infinite Possibilities

  61. Nel

    Absolutely stunning, Frizz. 🙂


  62. Well your imagination is abundant that for sure. Love it! You can see my take on winter..http://wp.me/p1TyMY-fU . I like your humor.


  63. Pingback: My Homepage

  64. what a fine selection of shots!


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