Weekly Photo Challenge: Mountains

Weekly Photo Challenge: Mountains
photo by frizztext – the view, which the hang-gliders have, jumping from the brow of the JENNER hill, looking down on the kings’ lake (Königssee), Bavaria, Germany
weekly-photo-challenge 1-27

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

18 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Mountains

  1. thirdhandart

    Great photo! I like all the curving lines – the mountains, the outline of the lake and the roads. Good entry! -Theresa


  2. Stunning…Simply stunning.


  3. What a beautiful photograph indeed. The Alps are incredible. That is why I love to watch the Tour de France, they always visit the Alps. We have rather small mountains in comparsion in North Carolina, but I will definitely post on this challenge.


  4. Bayern ist schon schööön…. 😉


  5. This beautiful shot almost brings tears to my eyes. My dream is to spend more time in the Bavarian Alps, walking up them in the summer to enjoy the alpine meadows, and to ski down them in the winter.

    The “flow” in your photo is mesmerising.


  6. Truly awesome. Thanks for sharing.


  7. Beautiful!

    I’d love to live there


  8. this looks like lord of the rings’ locations…


  9. An extraordinary photograph, Frizz! I feel like I’m there.


  10. That is magnificent! 🙂


  11. Checking back in to catch up after a lull on the comments front but hectic on the home front. 🙂


  12. one of a kind…that’s for sure…absolutely breathtaking! 🙂


  13. That’s what I call a view!


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