
Victor, Boston – 1889
photo by antique typewriters

“Merchants have a waste-book, in which they enter from day to day everything they have bought and sold, all mixed up together in disorder; from this it is transferred to the journal, in which everything is arranged more systematically; this deserves to be imitated…” once wrote Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.



Portrait of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Image via Wikipedia

frizztext: Writing has changed the history of mankind more than the use of firearms – I hope I am not completely wrong with this hypothesis – (me, writing at amazon about LICHTENBERG ) – Der Gebrauch von Schreibmaschinen hat die Welt mehr verändert als der Gebrauch von Schießgewehren – ich hoffe, ich liege nicht gänzlich falsch mit dieser Hypothese … (mehr in meiner LICHTENBERG Rezension bei amazon)
“The American who first discovered Columbus made a bad discovery.” This is a cynic notation considering the fate of the Red Indians. “A handful of soldiers is always better than a mouthful of arguments…” sounds like George W. Bush – but is written down by Professor (not Condoleezza Rice), by Professor Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, 1742-1799. He has been a philosopher, but his writing-style was more comfortable to any reader, than the work of the other German genius of that time: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Lichtenberg loved the ideas of the French Enlightenment and he tried to explain the ideas of empiric science with humor. He was critical against Christian dogmatics. He once shortly noted: “An Amen face.” Or longer: “Nothing offers me such clear proof of how things stand in the world of learning than the circumstance that Spinoza was for so long regarded as an evil, worthless person and his opinions as dangerous.” Lichtenberg has been a philosopher – but writing with esprit. If you can tolerate his bile, buy his book: “Who has two pairs of trousers turn one of them into cash and purchase this book.” But bear in mind: “A book is a mirror: if an ape looks into it, – an apostle is unlikely to look out!”
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” Calvin Coolidge

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

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  7. “The American who first discovered Columbus made a bad discovery.” This is a cynic notation considering the fate of the Red Indians. “A handful of soldiers is always better than a mouthful of arguments…” sounds like George W. Bush – but is written down by Professor (not Condoleezza Rice), by Professor Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, 1742-1799. He has been a philosopher, but his writing-style was more comfortable to any reader, than the work of the other German genius of that time: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Lichtenberg loved the ideas of the French Enlightenment and he tried to explain the ideas of empiric science with humor. He was critical against Christian dogmatics. He once shortly noted: “An Amen face.” Or longer: “Nothing offers me such clear proof of how things stand in the world of learning than the circumstance that Spinoza was for so long regarded as an evil, worthless person and his opinions as dangerous.” Lichtenberg has been a philosopher – but writing with esprit. If you can tolerate his bile, buy his book: “Who has two pairs of trousers turn one of them into cash and purchase this book.” But bear in mind: “A book is a mirror: if an ape looks into it, – an apostle is unlikely to look out!”


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