Oscar For Christoph Waltz

Oscar night made clear, who is the winner and who not. My favorite actor, Christoph Waltz, got an Oscar too – read my movie review: “It seems, that director Quentin Tarantino wants to lead the audience’s attention to the hypocritical mask of the devil with good manners. In the guise of a quiet friendliness an immense threat is hidden. Twice (with success) Tarantino has chosen to use the actor Christoph Waltz. The worst aggressions in the modern world are not from the uneducated, working class – or modern jobless people. The most devastating global destruction is organized scornfully more and more from the upper class, legalizing the unsocial strategies, the insolence construction of a large social gap. Maybe it’s a good idea of Tarantino, to make those characters play a big metaphorical game…”
P.S.: I like cinema! Spent so many hours in my life watching movies, dreaming from, analyzing the messages …
J'aime le cinéma
title=”J’aime le cinéma” – photo by plicci = silvia capponi, click on the picture to enter her galleries on Flickr.com
below two youtube videos featuring Christoph Waltz:
Waltz waltzes through Django Unchained

Waltz in Inglorious Basterds


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

10 responses to “Oscar For Christoph Waltz

  1. TBM

    I still love going to see movies. Just wish they weren’t so expensive so I could see more.


  2. wolfgangfoto

    in my youth I spend a lot of time in the cinema:
    it was warm ,
    there was something to see, i didn’t see before
    and i could hold the hand of a girl


    • hi Wolfgang in Austria: … and Austria sent great actors to Hollywood: Schwarzenegger, Waltz … – and the Hollywood Oscar moderator Seth MacFarlane said something like: there have been much worse times of sending out (Hitler…)


      • Regisseur Quentin Tarantino will scheinbar die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums auf die verlogene Maske des Teufels mit guten Manieren lenken. Auf die als leise Freundlichkeit getarnte immense Bedrohung. Zweimal hat er sich dafür mit Erfolg den Schauspieler Christoph Waltz ausgesucht.Die schlimmsten Aggressionen kommen in der modernen Welt nicht mehr aus der ungebildeten, groben Unterschicht. Die verheerendsten globalen Vernichtungen kommen immer häufiger aus der Oberschicht, die jedes Unsoziale, jede Unverschämtheit fast schon höhnisch legalisiert hat… etc.


  3. Ah, our lives come back to us when we watch our old faves, don’t they. We remember the time and place we first saw them, rather like when we hear music.

    Ditto on Waltz. Fine actor.


  4. Christoph Waltz deserved this one, too 🙂


  5. Are there other films with Waltz that you would recommend ?


    • maybe I should recommend none – because they show too much cruelty …


      • What I liked about his performance in Inglorious Basterds was the feeling that he saw the whole thing as being a bit absurd. While everyone else seemed to think they were in a serious film, he was in a farce. It was a fascinating performance, and if it were not for him I would have hated that movie.


  6. The competition was good this year. Hubby and I saw more movies this year, and we both selected Argo for best picture, and Daniel Day Lewis for best actor. Yesterday, we saw Django, as we had not seen that one yet (and I kept remembering his performance in Inglorious Bastards as a comparison to his Django performance).


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