Pantheon Rome

The Pantheon
photo via by Mark Broadhead, Melbourne, sent to my group BLOG IT!
frizz comment:
the PANTHEON building in Rome, Italy: the hole in the ceiling works (if there is a sunbeam) like a clock, pointing to hours, weeks, months, years, decades; when we visited this tribute to all Gods (one of the oldest architecture in Europe) some birds came in through the hole; a feather tumbled down to me, sitting on the old shimmering marble …


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

21 responses to “Pantheon Rome

  1. jakesprinter

    Great architecture 🙂


  2. I hope to visit Italy someday…


  3. amazing architecture! i have always dreamed of visiting Rome!


  4. Another must visit added to my list!


  5. This is a truly beautiful building. What a pity there was no sunbeam coming through the opening in the top of the ceiling – that would have been an awesome experience! But the bird feather floating down from it was almost as good!


  6. theWomanAtTheWell

    You always take me to such beautiful and interesting places, thanks Frizz, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and hearing about the feather falling down to you. thank you for blessing me today.


  7. What a riot… Is this your shot of the same one used in the Daily Post? Love it! 🙂


  8. Wolfgang Hermann

    this building is a human masterpiece


  9. Excellent architecture … beautiful


  10. thirdhandart

    An architectural wonder captured very well by amazing photographers!


  11. beautiful photo, it was packed when I visited, I think I would love to sit in there in the early morning before anyone else arrive, maybe another time.


  12. Good article, lots of superb facts. I want to show my girlftriend and ask them the issues they think.


  13. Walking around in the Pantheon, was a unique feeling; one of the miracles of the world, as old as civilization, as well preserved as if it was buit during our lifetime.


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