Stories in just six words

photo by Frizztext
Hemingway once wrote a super short story:
“For sale:
baby shoes,
never worn.”
writing goal in the POSTADAY-community of wordpress:
What story can you write in six words?
I was inspired by the solution of Elizabeth Obih-Frank, she wrote:
One Day,
We Met,
In Timbuktu…
looking back into our own history
I wrote down:
In Holland:
we escaped,
five days.
looking at the self portrait in the hotel mirror, done by my wife,
I remembered the lyrics of Paul Simon about Rene and Georgette Magritte,
how they danced with their dog after the war:
“Rene and Georgette Magritte
With their dog after the war
Returned to their hotel suite
And they unlocked the door
Easily losing their evening clothes
They dance by the light of the moon…”

another six-word-idea
by Paul Simon:
Still crazy
after all
these years

50 ways
to leave
your lover