Fencing Lucrezia Ghilardi


Lucrezia Ghilardi, studentessa, Treviso: “In a few days I will attend Championships fencing in Rimini, I like this sport: it serves daring skill and control. But my real passion is music. Here is: when I sing as if everything is turned around for me to swallow, sadness, melancholy disappear and I feel transported to a world where I would live forever…”
portrait photo composed by Giancarlo Rado, photographer (and classical musician in a VIVALDI ensemble), Treviso; visit his great portrait series Italians
frizz-comment: I like it (as a philosopher) if a human being learns to defend, to attack, not to be dominated by the wrong persons, societies, circumstances. To be oneself. A castle. No entry for enemies. Nevertheless not narrow-minded, surrounded by walls. Friendly and ready for fair dialogs, able to enjoy life: for example music! P.S.: I am a musician as well – and of course the photographer Giancarlo Rado also, his ensemble: Sonatori – a VIVALDI ensemble