Separate the wheat from the tares

Frizztext: finding a field with wheat, maybe actually watching a thunderstorm soon coming, I’m always impressed deeply. In mythology the wind, blowing over a wheat-field, is a metaphor for God (read C.G. Jung). A wheat-field can have the giant majesty of an ocean! For sure Vincent van Gogh was impressed deeply: his last painting was “Wheat_Field_with_Crows_(1890)”. The Dutch photographer Ben Visbeek made a tribute with his camera, titled “Wheat Field with Crows” 2008! Meditating on his photo every time music comes in my mind: “God’s Gonna Separate The Wheat From The Tares” – an old gospel once performed by Blind Joe Taggart (and Mahalia Jackson: 1937).
Wheat Field with Crows 2008
title=”Wheat Field with Crows” (2008) photo by Ben Visbeek, Amsterdam – click on the picture to enter his flickr galleries and read his comment, related to Van Gogh’s “Wheat Field with Crows” (1890)

painting shared by wikipedia

Blind Joe Taggart

Wheatfield with Crows

Wheatfield with Crows (Photo credit: smalloranges)

Eternity of the life
title=”Eternity of the life” photo by Claudio.Ar