The Intouchables, movie review

Yesterday we’ve been in a cinema to enjoy the movie “The Intouchables” (= Untouchables) directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano, starring François Cluzet (Philippe) and Omar Sy (Driss). Background: The former chief executive of the Champagne producer Pommery, Mr. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, he crashed 1993 during Paragliding so hard (spine injuries), that since then he was paralysed from the neck down. Abdel Sellou (movie: Driss) from Algeria, previously released from prison (not really wanting the job) became 10 years his nurse. The message: With humor and irony you can become the winner vs. depression and loneliness. For example: Abdel stops Philippe writing Platonic letters and organizes a real date. And (happy end): the paralysed man and the beautiful woman decide to marry. Not only in the movie, not only in the scripts and books (both, Philippe and Abdel published their own version) also in reality: in Morocco, where they still are living, actually getting more and more famous …

music trailer “save you”:

German youtube trailer:

French trailer:
