Robert Belfour

I tried to play in the style of Robert Belfour R.I.P. using my metal Dobro guitar with bottleneck:

Robert “Wolfman” Belfour (September 11, 1940 – February 24, 2015) R.I.P. – he played his HILL STOMP so well!

I was inspired by the WordPress blog of Shein Die:

‘BOUT SHEIN: If you’re reading this, it means you’re devoting some of your time to me and my photos: Thank you so much. COPYRIGHT photographs are the EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY of Shein Die .. all taken by myself, none in the Public Domain… All Rights Reserved -payment of a fee will apply if I give permission for use- OR if other arrangement is made between user and myself. Giving away valuable work for no recompense devalues our work and it devalues the works of our colleagues * SHEIN / My hope is that my photographs inspire others to broaden their exposure to Blues Music and Black Culture.

ROOTS of Rock ‘n Roll and …