Whatever The Weather

Photographers are often attracted by lighthouses. Maybe because lighthouses are a symbol for the power to resist. We shall not, we shall not be moved. Whatever the weather (thanks for the title to Patti Kuche): the photographer Ewan Lebourdais made a perfect job, right?
Les moines en folie !
title=”Les moines en folie !” – photo by ewan_brest = Ewan Lebourdais, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT!, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr.com
music: GlennP from Florida created some lyrics and vocals for my guitar track “whatever the weather”


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

9 responses to “Whatever The Weather

  1. Goodness I wonder what it feels like to be inside there in a storm.


  2. What an AWESOME photo!


  3. Caddo



  4. And the humans who did this lighthouse ….or those who lived there before it was automatic lighthouse. We are very lucky to live today where we are


  5. Ewan Lebourdais certainly grabbed the power in this magnificent shot Frizz, a perfect job indeed and a most worthy reminder for us to all stand tall. Thank you dear Frizz.


  6. vastlycurious.com

    Thanks for sharing Frizz!


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