Without License

we all should have the courage to live “Senza Licenza” = without a license …
I would like to play my guitar in a small mobile café like this!
of course I play mostly without any license some songs I’ve heard in the radio …

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

8 responses to “Without License

  1. TBM

    Ah, thanks for the daily dose of music. Very soothing.


  2. so beautiful and I would love to be there and to listen… Thanks and Love, nia


  3. can’t think of anything nicer than the prospect of the Frizztrain down on the tracks near you. What a lovely accompaniment to my rather late breakfast. Thank you.


  4. Just love your music.


  5. Excellent! Thanks for cheering up my job with your music


  6. Thanks my friend
    I think your day have 48 hours, to do all your works with 4 hands


  7. museconfuse

    Great stuff and a mobile cafe sounds brilliant! You should try to play in one if you can 🙂 And then tell us all where you are playing. 🙂


  8. Love the soothing music, Frizz!


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