Armchair Story

We all will be eventually become orphans, sooner or later. And our children will be orphans. But in between we prepare ourselves comfortable. A beautiful armchair is one goal of them. He also will become orphaned. If an armchair could tell his stories!
Siediti e aspetta. Stai fermo, in silenzio, e ammira
title=”Siediti e aspetta. Stai fermo, in silenzio, e ammira” = Sit down and wait. Stand still, in silence, and admire – photo by Enrico Barocci, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT!, click on the picture to enter his galleries on

my own armchair (with wheels and new knitted slipcover, protected by a little cuckoo living in a Cuckoo Clock) in my living room:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

29 responses to “Armchair Story

  1. What a photo. Abandoned furniture by the side of the road always leaves me wondering…


  2. Great photo — but I am having winter flashbacks now!


  3. I had never thought of myself as an orphan…I am now. That’s a wonderful photo.


  4. Your words reminded me of a conversation I overheard between my mom and my dad the day my grandmother (dad’s mom) died, “Now we are both orphans” were my mom’s words, her mom had passed away a year before… Furniture, old matresses, old tvs left on thhe side of the road always make me think about a saying TODO POR SERVIR SE ACABA, which roughly translates to: everything gets worn out from serving others… Sigh!! Alexandra


  5. I’ve always felt like an orphan although my mother is alive. How odd that the chair is abandoned beside the road, it looks a comfy chair.


  6. The armchair waits somebody to seat… Beginning of a new life ? (yes, I’m optimistic !).


  7. This picture is absolutely fantastic….


  8. Great photo….it leaves me wondering, and as you say it must have some tales about the bottoms who have sat on it over the years 🙂


  9. Sonel

    What a great shot! Lovely share Frizz. Thanks. 🙂


  10. Fabulous shot! Wonder if it found a new home? 🙂


  11. Who wants to be left out in the cold like that … not even a armchair.
    FAB photo .. but what a sad story it tells me.


  12. You found a new “visual history” for this photo… thanks


  13. TBM

    Interesting photo and it does seem to have a story.


  14. Sent here by lovely Nia, though I might have found you myself, for a sit on your exquisitely shivery armchair, Frizz. 🙂


  15. Loved this photo. I can feel the cold – but also think of the comfort… and wonder at the stories this armchair could tell…


  16. Interesting. Great shot.


  17. Not so much abandoned or alone, but embracing winter with a roadside view.


  18. museconfuse

    I want a cuddly teddy bear and a comfy armchair by the fireplace. I’m still a kid at heart. I love the photo – poor, cold armchair.


  19. One of my readers gave me the link to your post and I added it to my blog. Very funny that we both posted today. My feral sofas say hello to your winter chair!


  20. wolfgangfoto

    what a story
    have an armchair in a warm room my friend


  21. You are right Frizz! I always remember myself as a child while sitting quietly with my grandfather in his beautiful wood carved armchair.


  22. A very interesting photo and a very interesting interpretation, Frizz.


  23. The chair looks lonely and abandoned.


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