Flightshow For Bystanders

I wish I could fly! This owl can – and is very proud, as we can notice. Just saying “Hello” and “Good bye” in the same second!
f  Short-eared owl IMG_0603
photo above: title=”Short-eared owl” by Harry Bursell, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr
photo below, title=”Slow Vertical” by David Harris, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr
Slow Vertical
US Air Force Thunderbirds, Wings Over Homestead Air Show 2012
I’ve been very amused, when I discovered a geese gang with national pride flying their patrol along some US flags on the inauguration day of president Obama in Washington, click on the link:
A flock of geese fly by flags near the Washington Monument in Washington – picture: JOE KLAMAR / AFP / Getty Images

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

26 responses to “Flightshow For Bystanders

  1. I have an owl that visits sometimes, and calls from the growve of trees behind my house. Sometimes I go out onto the deck and call back. Wonderful post, Frizz!


  2. I loved your comment “every time when I see an owl, I think: my cat is staring at me” that came with the post…
    I love the Thunderbirds…have seen them many times over the years.. . thanks for reminding me of those days past. Great photo.


    • my cat indeed is very jealous, when she sees an owl. Recently I discovered an youtube video featuring a cat and an owl playing with each other. That was scheduled for today’s post, but the video was set private in the meantime by his owner …
      every time when I see an owl, I think: my cat is staring at me; and every time when I see my cat, I think: something like an owl is staring at me; imagine, how surprised I’ve been, when I saw a cat and owl playing together friendly!
      video, introducing cat + owl, playing with each other:


  3. I’ve only seen an owl once and it was sleeping. This is a rare occasion to see one flight live.


  4. I wish I could fly too …
    Love owls! 🙂


  5. I love the look of this flying owl to the photographer.
    Owls are common rare to see because they are night active and sleeping on the day . By this way i myself become more and more an owl and love to work in the night and to have a hat of sleep from time to time on the day.
    Here is my shot to this theme:
    the flight of the turkish stars


  6. Hi dietmar

    Das video läßt sich nicht öffnen Meldung : privat

    Ich glaube du mußt es freigeben

    Ansonsten ein wunderbarer artikel

    Hab einen schönen tag mein lieber

    Herzl wolfgang

    Von meinem iPad gesendet



    My goodness this is an interactive post Frizz.. I LOVE >LOVE> LOVE air shows !


  8. That owl is amazing. I am on my way to his gallery.


  9. i love the way the owl stares at the photographer.. as if giving him one last glance and and at the same time posing for the camera to show how magnificent he looks.


  10. What a superb owl shot!


  11. I also want to fly 🙂 Nice photo


  12. Love the owl photo… 🙂

    Humans has always wanted to be able to fly, many died in the trial…

    One of my favorite songs ever… 🙂


  13. An amazing capture!


  14. I’ve not seen many wildlife “face” photos of owls in flight–still frames–such as in your photo. I mean this is an amazing still photo capture. I’m impressed. Great job!


  15. tOonie :)

    That’s a handsome owl you got there!!
    well I woke up one morning to find crows hovering and crowing to find that a medium size owl was in the middle of the crow gang. Poor thing flew here and there and disappeared after some distance. I wonder what the crows will do to it?
    But your photos are a nice click!
    Thank You so much passing by and following my blog.
    You made my day 🙂


  16. Amy

    The airplane is just handsome! Both are amazing shots. Thank you, Frizz!


  17. FYI: Short-eared Owls are often seen during daylight hours. This is an amazing capture!


  18. Great shots! (including the comments section!) Cats and owls do look a lot alike 😀

    I’m not sure I have anything worthy of sharing; no owls or air shows, but I do have a Turkey Vulture flying.


    we came across a large flock of them in a field near sundown and alas I did not have my tripod so very few shots were worth anything 😦


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