New Year Nowhere Land

We all are stepping into the unknown of a new year like walking into a nowhere land.
C = Cat (on the road again)
Maybe some of us are framed by country, job, family, personal goals, health care, by attitude and character, by daily routine or openness – but never forget: we still shall be surprised by the unknown. Stay in contact and let’s talk about, let’s compare our cultural boxes and horizons …
P.S.: photo by frizztext; click on the image to enter his collection of pictures
related: the-A-photo-archive/ the-B-photo-archive/ the-C-photo-archive/!/frizztext/status/153373972778594304
compare another visual “unknown-future” metaphor:
2spiral staircase3downstairs to the volcano, santorini4FLICKR's fourth birthday!5ESCHEResque, Santorini6where do we go to?

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

25 responses to “New Year Nowhere Land

  1. theWomanAtTheWell

    Happy 2012 my friend.


  2. Wolfgang Hermann

    nimms nicht zu tragisch dietmar
    das datum ist von den menschen frei(-willig) gewählt
    trotzdem alles gute für 2012
    lg wolfgang


  3. Wolfgang Hermann

    mein foto auf flickr paßt ein bißchen zu deinem thema



  4. Happy New Year Dietmar! Wonder where it’s going to lead us?


  5. dd16591569

    What else apart from the “Unknown” make life more interesting .. 🙂


  6. Frizz I am always amazed at the places your posts take me. They have been inspiring and educational indeed. Looking forward to 2012 with you.


  7. Beautiful. There are still many things to know.


  8. Happy New Year! My you and that beautiful cat find a somewhere land of peace and prosperity in 2012.


  9. Love the photo and the sentiment that goes with it. We are framed by so many things (family, location, etc.) but as you imply, even with our normal expectations, we are really walking into the unknown. Have a wonderful New Year, and may your “unknowns” bring delight and joy.


  10. Happy 2012 Frizz, I hope the cat wasn’t too unhappy!


  11. Happy New Year! Wish you the unknown of the new year to be brighter and better than 2011!


  12. love your photo and words. Never an unnecessary word—and never anything extraneous in the composition of your thoughts….that’s one of the things that makes your work so special


  13. Love that photo. The composition is perfect! Happy New Year!


  14. incaunipocrit

    Reblogged this on Basil Wheel.


  15. grannydog

    Love the photo!! Happy New Year!


  16. Jodie

    I like the DNA stair case, and the black cat, reminds me of my daughters cat. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your pictures.


  17. Beautiful shot of the cat on the snow. How boring life would
    be if we knew everything and there was no unknown? I think
    it makes for a fascinating life to have new discoveries.
    Happy New Year 2012 ….


  18. Yes, let us follow that all-knowing cat and join hands to explore the unknown in peace in 2012!


  19. ♥Happy ♥New ♥Year ♥ & TY for the blog love! 🙂


  20. Blood-Ink-Diary

    What a stunning shot! It’s gorgeous — in ‘silence’ the best moments are found and you captured one of them – hurrah! best wishes for 2012.


  21. Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive read anything like this before. So nice to seek out anyone with some authentic thoughts on this subject. realy thanks for beginning this up. this website is one thing that’s wanted on the internet, somebody with a bit originality. useful job for bringing something new to the web!


  22. Pingback: stepping into 2012

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