Pussy Riots – Solidarity vs. Censorship


The “Pussy Riots” case in Moscow: A shame that they were sent now two years to prison. Thanks for the worldwide solidarity actions!
When I wrote about the method of MERGE, I realized, that it is very often a method of artists to merge religion and politics, art and courage, high tech or feminism – sometimes with great positive and negative feedbacks. Unforgettable for me that painting by Max Ernst (seen in Cologne) featuring mother Maria punishing little Jesus. Then I discussed the thought provoking art of Leon Ferrari – and actually I can notice, that the Pussy Riots in Moscow did the same: merge politics and religion, courage and art. A shame that they were sent now two years to prison. Thanks for the worldwide solidarity actions!
title=”14″ photo by genia_zub4ik = Evgeniya Zubchenko, journalist – zubchen@list.ru – Moscow, sent to my group BLOG IT! The female photographer commented herself: “17/08/12 – Pussy Riot: near the court. A lot of people came yesterday to the court to support girls from The Pussy Riot. But many of sympathizers were arrested. I’ve seen as policemen beat one of the arrested activists when they put him in a police bus. People shouted “Russia without Putin”, “Shame!!!”, “Free Pussy Riot” and clapped in support of people who were arrested …”
free pussy riot
title=”free pussy riot” – photo by freights fer lunch, click on the picture to enter Flickr
2 – Max Ernst: “Die Jungfrau züchtigt das Jesuskind vor drei Zeugen: André Breton, PaulÉluard und dem Maler”, 1926
3 – international solidarity actions for the Pussy Riots:
in Moscow, Russia:
in Sofia, Bulgaria:
in London, UK:
in Berlin, Germany:
caught in a church, Moscow:
it’s a shame: two years jail for Pussy Riots – discuss the method of “MERGE”: religion and politics, art and feminism, solidarity vs. censorship and courage – as a never ending battle vs. stupidity!
Pussy Riot Chicago
title=”Pussy Riot Chicago” – photo by Ryan L. Williams, click on the picture to enter Flickr