Famous typewriters

Many of us enjoy writing, how much more now, since internet and social media are easier to use than those old typewriters some of us started with.
I like to communicate
Nowadays we can be amused watching the old writing tools of famous authors: I enjoyed an article at theatlantic: the hidden world of the typewriter about George Bernard Shaw’s Remington Noiseless 7x typewriter or Ernest Hemingway with his 1929 Underwood Standard, John Lennon’s 1951 Imperial or John Updike’s 1967 Olympia 65-c (I used a similar electric typewriter for my first essays on philosophy), Orson Welles and his 1926 Underwood 4 or Marilyn Monroe’s 1934 Smith Corona Sterling.

Mignon 2 typewriter - 1905, www.antiquetypewriters.com
title=”Mignon 2 typewriter – 1905″,


by antique typewriters, on Flickr


Mignon 2 typewriter – 1905

History of writing

Antique Typewriter 1881

my favorite iconic tool: Nietzsche’s “writing ball”:
