Veddy Scottish

Scotland must be wonderful. I’m happy that one of my favorite photographers Ben Visbeek, Amsterdam, has been there – and he kindly sent some of his shots to my flickr group BLOG IT! I’ve fingerpicked on my guitar an old Scottish folk song (thanks for the hint to Ian McAulay) “Black is the colour” (of my true love’s hair) – the song went to the USA in 1800 etc. too and was sometimes converted to “black is the color of my true love’s skin” (Nina Simone et al.)
photos below all by Ben Visbeek:
High waves hit coastline of Skye
Scotland is ours!
Watching the odd milk bottle!

Ian McAulay joined my experiment adding his e-guitar flying free as a Scottish seagull considering if crossing the sea headed to the USA would be a good idea, still hesitating, waiting for an optimal wind: