A cello: like a boat? An analogy to the line of a woman’s body? The pleasure of a deep sound? This instrument has inspired many artists…

the misrtess of the cellos
title=”the mistress of the cellos” – composition by anka_zhuravleva, kindly sent to my group BLOG IT!, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr.com
Music, maestro! REDUX
title=”Music, maestro!” REDUX by BlackDog1966, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr.com
Songs From a Distant Shore
title=”Songs From a Distant Shore” – photo by IamRedBeard, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr.com
Music Notice 2
title=”Music Notice 2 by James Kneubuhl, click on the picture to enter his galleries on Flickr.com