j words

Tuesday’s A to Z challenge: “j”

Event Type: General Blogging

Start Date: Tuesdays, recurring weekly

Description: Every Tuesday I offer the “A to Z challenge”, walking step by step through the alphabet.
Since 2011, I’m walking with my readers every Tuesday from A to Z, last week we had “i”, so this week we’ll focus on “j” – I’m sure you’ll also find a story, photo or a music title tagged with “j”: Feel free to add in the comments below the link to your personal interpretation of the letter “j”!!! Myself I’ll focus on jet:


wrong parking place
photo by Thomas Lieser, Vienna, title=”wrong parking place” – click on the picture to enter the flickr galleries of Thomas Lieser / onkel_wart
FrizzText review: “The photographer Thomas Lieser is following for years his concept, to introduce Vienna’s unflattering imagine, beyond the gloss & glamour. You could make a book out of it! His sublime representation of decay is already contained in a parking lot photo (with a misplaced, discarded jet fighter), long before his famous series began with the documentation of abandoned shops, small shops, all of them went bankrupt.” – visit Thomas Lieser’s album CLOSING TIME:
visit his album CLOSING TIME:

The opposite: the glorification of military flying:
Red Arrows (Explored 16/03/2013)
title=”Red Arrows” (Explored 16/03/2013) – photo by Martin Aldous, click on the image to enter his galleries on Flick
compare my flickr j-photo-gallery:

Ice skating in the Jordaan

read all comments:

j words

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

30 responses to “j words

  1. I should always expect the unexpected when I visit you!


  2. Pingback: J is for… Jump | Travel with Intent

  3. I found this old post on Jesse James, a great american bank robber/hero.


  4. Pingback: Jennifer Jones comes to Wenlock | Tish Farrell

  5. Pingback: J words like “jetty” | Foto Challenge

  6. My ‘J’ this week is about 1940s Hollywood film star Jennifer Jones coming to make a film in (of all places) Much Wenlock. http://wp.me/pKVAM-Vy


  7. interesting choice, for that red arrows from UK and that Saab J29 jet fighter….Both European fighters build for different reasons


  8. Thank you for the is Frizz and I look forward to exploring more of Thomas Leiser’s exciting work!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: A-Z Challenge (again): J | Beyond the Brush

  10. Thomas Lieser



  11. Pingback: A – Z Challenge: J | Middleton Road

  12. Pingback: Jerusalem, My Destiny | My [redacted] Journey

  13. Again, I enjoyed your post and the photo galleries you directed me to. A few days late, but here. I hope you enjoy my post. Until next time…or when I read more of your recent posts. Thank you for the forum. ~victoria


  14. Pingback: Who Needs Aeroplanes? | Jaspa's Journal

  15. Pingback: k words | Flickr Comments

  16. Pingback: Just the way you are | Love Happy Notes – Daily Fun and Inspiration

  17. Fats Suela

    Love the black and white photo of the jet, but that of the flying ones was lovely as well. I was out and about yesterday with the in-laws and we saw a Chinook in the air.

    Here’s my “J” photo story…

    [Photo Journal/A-Z Photo Story Challenge] J is for Jail

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: [Photo Journal/A-Z Photo Story Challenge] J is for Jail | Gathering Books

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