Dancing like a tribe chief

1 – Some of my blog followers kindly read my autobiographical story at i-remember about my mother – following the inspirational weekly writing challenge of “daily post”. My mother put me in an orphanage on the day of my birth, left me, and it took 40 years for me to find her at last. The friendly comments inspired me to add now a little further chapter:

“Prodigal Son” (originally by Rev. Robert Wilkins) was the first blues I wanted to learn on my guitar – because the message was related to my biography: just born I was given by my father to an orphanage (1945) – it took me 40 years of searching to find him

2 – I could add many autobiographical fragments, for example related to the second parents who adopted me – but who of my readers would be interested? Maybe only my results / summaries / resumes are bridges of interest for my blog followers: the results in the term-systems of psychology or philosophy, politics or social sciences, photography or – guitar music …

3 – I studied Lutheran theology: I learned there, that it is important, to have the courage to resist and protest; I found in the bible also the story about the PRODIGAL SON: yes, I could tell stories, how I found my father as well; but in a first step I only managed to play the PRODIGAL SON BLUES on my guitar; my father was a baker, and when we found us – after 40 years of my intensive criminal search – he was glad, danced with my little daughters like an old Indian tribe chief and then every morning brought bread to my house door…

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

17 responses to “Dancing like a tribe chief

  1. I can see him dancing! And the gift of bread everyday, how symbolic is that!
    Wonderful stuff.


  2. wonderful choice of pictures. It made me remember the women selling bread in Vietnam….Maybe one day in my “one week, one sentence, one picture” section


  3. He was so happy to see you. I love the image you created in my mind of him dancing.


  4. A happy dance indeed! What a wonderful expression of joy! Thanks, for sharing, Frizz!


  5. Laura Bloomsbury

    love to hear your stories – this one is just like a Pater Noster


    • dear Laura,
      you amused me with “Pater Noster” – sounds very Christian, but the man, who was my biological father – he was a devil, a womanizer, many women in his life, my mother only was one in a crowd … – but, I have to admit, he had much humor, energy, joy to live; whereas my biological mother’s greatest interest was mathematics: she was the boss of the biggest milk products factory in East Germany – and sat side by side in the school class with Wernher von Braun (another devil, the rocket engineer)…


      • Laura Bloomsbury

        a fascinating lineage – like your guitar and kazoo


      • Laura Bloomsbury

        “Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses (sins/wrongs) as we forgive those who trespass against us..” an interesting lineage you have, like guitar and kazoo


        • I got criminal to get the data / addresses of my biological parents: the officials refused to talk with me about this topic: the administrations had the law on their side. I believe such a law is injustice. So I made a nightly robbery, breaking into the forbidden archives. But then waited 20 years, till the couple, which adopted me, was dead. Then I started the reality check: it really was an adventure!


  6. He could certainly dance to this song!
    Great choice of photo.


  7. What a story, I love the image of him dancing with your daughters and bringing daily bread. πŸ™‚ Beautiful music…


  8. Ah Frizz we have much in comon, a mother who gave me up and a father I had to search for as well!


  9. Actually, I really like this memory of yours. It’s so funny imagining an old man dancing all tribe style. Love it and love your music!
    Have a super weekend!


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