Discussing Edward Snowden

me on twitter about the case of Edward Snowden:
Thinkers have always been treated disrespectfully by the cliques of power rather than honored.
Support Snowden



a jennie2 replied on TELEGRAPH.co.uk: “Don’t confound “thinkers” with “traitors” … ” – my answer: “Thinkers can not be a vassal.”
State of the art
title=”State of the art” – photo by maistora
me discussing Intelligence activities at Disqus:

music of the day:
Nobody knows you when you’re down and out:

Carla Bruni, wife of former President Sarkozy performing the same song (original: Bessie Smith)


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

16 responses to “Discussing Edward Snowden

  1. Snowdon is no thinker in my book.


  2. Top conversations on Telegraph:
    Edward Snowden ‘suspicion’ leads to Bolivian president’s jet being diverted

    frizztext | Wednesday, July 3rd | View on Telegraph
    Thinkers have always been treated disrespectfully by the cliques of power rather than honored.

    jennie2 replied | Wednesday, July 3rd | View on Telegraph
    Don’t confound “thinkers” with “traitors” … :-/

    ram2009 replied | Wednesday, July 3rd | View on Telegraph
    I disagree. Provided the ‘thinker’ works in the City, thinking of ways to screw the nation, he is applauded and honoured as we’ve seen over the last 20 years.

    229 additional comments | View the full discussion on Telegraph


  3. One thing is sure : Hollande and Merkel are not “thinker”… I wrote that ( http://www.unidivers.fr/prism-nsa-espionnage-diplomatie-usa/ ) on that subject (translator is your friend :p )….But all that is not a surprise


    • Les liens entre intérêts géostratégiques et commerciaux sont étroits et l’histoire a montré des exemples de l’utilisation des moyens d’espionnage pour des bénéfices commerciaux, notamment dans l’aéronautique (Concorde/Tupolev 144).


      • The links between geopolitical and commercial interests are narrow and history has shown examples of the use of intelligence resources for commercial gain, especially in aeronautics (Concorde / Tupolev 144).


        • Or the Avro Arrow, decades before its time, scrapped so the Canadian government could stay in bed with the US…. It is not as if Snowden was revealing anything that all parties concerned were not already well aware of. Why these bureaucracies are “acting” so affronted is just one more maudlin scene in the great tragedy of global politics.


  4. Worst case -to use his own words- is that it’ll all be forgotten after a while.


    • Ναι, αγαπητή Μαρίνα, διοικήσεις ελπίδα, ότι οι άνθρωποι θα ξεχάσουν την υπόθεση σύντομα – αλλά καθήκον του φιλοσόφου είναι η πρακτική επιμονή, τη βιωσιμότητα …
      yes, dear Marina, administrations hope, that the people will forget the case soon – but a philosopher’s duty is to practice perseverance, sustainability …


  5. For all his insider knowledge it must be a devastating blow for Snowden to find Obama and Putin in this together.


    • now Putin will be a big friend of Obama – though Putin was many years boss of the Russian intelligence service – bigot?


      • Putin is no friend of the US. He is a very skillful politician who works only for his own goals. He would agree to give Mr. Snowden asylum, as long as he stopped releasing further information. Why ? I think that would be so that Mr. Putin would have the information as a future bargaining chip to use against the US. As long as what Snowden has remains secret, and in Russia, Putin will be able to use that at some point in the future.

        Here’s an example. Putin could tell the US to stop supplying arms to the Syrian opposition, or he will allow Snowden to release some further information.


  6. “Why these bureaucracies are “acting” so affronted is just one more maudlin scene in the great tragedy of global politics…” = read comment by Ideflex, Canada, above …


  7. It is so refreshing to hear some different ideas from the daily bla bla … !


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