Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense

a break-through symbol short before extinction?

Sometimes it is necessary, if you want to have a better future, to make a risky break-through. And sometimes organizing a good future is not to make something new, but the capability to remember the old landmarks of creativity – and not to destroy them. Actually these old wall graffiti, a tribute to the fall of the Berlin wall and those who had the courage to resist: actually a deconstruction is planned, because an expensive hotel likes to have a large entrance road. There is a tension, if the officials will ignore the protesters on the Berlin streets!
Escape, 1989/Nov/9
2Berlin-Wall-destroyed3gallery passing
4East Side Gallery with traffic 45Berlin Wall Gallery with traffic 3
5 photos of the East Side Gallery in Berlin by frizztext, click on the pictures, to enter the galleries on flickr.com
related: Weekly Photo Challenge: FUTURE TENSE
I'm part of Post A Day 2013

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

33 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense

  1. Wonderfully written piece, I agree with you dear Frizz, Thanks and Love, nia


  2. Wonderful, Frizz. Thanks for posting. Big smiles …
    Happy Friday! Have a fun weekend.


  3. Fabulous entry FrizzT. Each one of these pictures are marvelous.

    I followed some of the links. Good gracious why would people paint graffiti over art?
    I’m sure the developers of the de-Lux building will win the battle to knock the wall down – buildings pay taxes after all… (but how could they think they could simply knock the wall down without letting anyone know?)


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Future Tense | Joe's Musings

  5. informative and inspiring, thanks.


  6. museconfuse

    Agree! And I love these graffiti that are works of art instead of random acts of vandalism. Thanks for showing them!


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: FUTURE TENSE | The Adventures of Iñigo Boy

  8. Has anyone thought about incorporating this art into the new development – they do that alot here with the facades of buildings considered too important to demolish…


  9. Well said Frizz! We cannot afford to forget any of that history. Fabulous shots as always 🙂


  10. Wonderful! 🙂


  11. Good representation for a “risky breakthrough”


  12. Another terrific post with wonderful photos. Though I was a kid in 1989, I think I was just old enough to realize that the fall of the wall was a really big deal. It’s the first major event that I remember being interested in.


  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense (Photo Course) aka Photographers: frame and shoot – 2nd sequel (16) | What's (in) the picture?

  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense | patriciaddrury

  15. vastlycurious.com

    Love this- you are relentless !!


  16. Great pictures – over and over and over again! 🙂


  17. Veronica Roth

    Nicely done Frizz. As an artist I so value street art. Most important. 🙂


  18. Risky breakthroughs are the only way to a better future. Thanks Frizz for reminding us! Awesome post.


  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense | Pictures for Froghopper

  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense | Jinan Daily Photo

  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense (Winter) | What's (in) the picture?

  22. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense | Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  23. Pingback: Weekly Phoneography Challenge: Future Tense | Pilot Fish

  24. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Future Tense | KnowledgeKnut

  25. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: A Day in My Life | Jinan Daily Photo

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  27. I like your text to this photo, and it does look like an interesting book you were inspired by. I went to The Wall concert with Pink Floyd in Berlin in 1990. It was a spectacular atmosphere… speaking about future tense, this night though the air was brimming with hope, love and life beyond imagination…

    (p.s. thank you very much for finding my blog and for the follow!)


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