Weekly Photo Challenge: Green

GREEN: I will never forget the GREEN of my very first car, 1965, a Volkswagen / beagle – he and me, we had some challenges: once we had an emergency landing in a little lake of a forest nearby – where I tried to be a good teacher for my mom, she wanted to get a driver’s licence. I warned her much too anxious not to enter a little wooden bridge with our Volkswagen in that green, green forest – and so she drove our brave car into the pool with lot of protesting frogs. When a green dressed forester and his friends pulled the car out of the water, the automobile was covered with green mud. Green water ran out of the doors. My very green day.
1965 - my very first car
photo taken by frizztext; for more click on the picture to visit his photo galleries on flickr …
I was a minute UNDER the water inside the car, anxious to get drowned, the car lay on his side, door was not to open, dear mom above me behind the driver’s wheel – don’t ask me, how I got out! My mother was in panic and ran in panic barefooted 10 kilometers back home. When the forester came, he asked me: what have you done? Why driving so silly? I replied: my mother sat behind the wheel. The forester and his friends laughed loudly – they did not believe me and answered: never heard a teenager giving such an untruth!
below: me on top of my green Volkswagen –
and my girl friend (now my wife) inside:
my timeline 1945 - 2010V = Volkswagen
P.S. 2:
that car gave me some more scary moments: equipped with only one brake system (nowadays two systems are technical standard) I had my hell, when the brake liquid ran out, no brake power left: and the car was running down a long hill (7 kilometers) with some curves. The automobile like a sardines can was filled up with 5 students on their way to the university. It was a ride to hell. After ten minutes high speed we entered a little town (called Soest); I will never forget that grandma, crossing slowly the street. We ended up in a gasoline stations’ heap of old tyres / pneumatics – since then I believe there’s a God or at least an angel, having an eye on me …
related: Weekly Photo Challenge: Green
1 – Julie Alicea: “My father would only buy these cars and there were 5 of us who would have to stuff ourselves into that car. and to make matters worse he loved to travel, we traveled all over Europe in that little car and then he brought it to Puerto Rico and we traveled all over the island in it, then we moved to the USA and traveled in almost every state in the union stuffed like sardines in that car. My sister and I had an imaginary line in the back seat where she was not allowed to cross and vice versa, and if she put one finger on my side we would start fighting like cats and dogs in the back of the VW, imagine that with 5 people in it!
2 – “stumbleon” / Fred Roessler: My father had a 1954 VW with a split rear window like yours. Then I had a 1971 VW which I loved. I even lived in it for a while.
I'm part of Post A Day 2012

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

42 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Green

  1. Cool ! I had one too but it was white 🙂


  2. Northern Narratives

    That’s a great car and I like the color too 🙂


  3. Awesome! Just love it!!!!!! 😉


  4. Ha ha…that’s a great story! Always loved those cars.


  5. My first car was also a green bug – 1966, named Zeke. Drove him across country twice!


  6. What a perfect first car!


  7. Wonderful, nostalgic post! So fun seeing your shots from yesteryear. My boyfriend had a red VW and the windshield wipers didn’t work so he spent the entire time wiping the rain/fog/snow off as we drove everywhere. Loved that car!!


  8. First cars are like one’s first love 🙂 Awesome entry!


  9. BohemianMamma

    What fun story and and superbe pictures to go with it!


  10. Your little lime vw looks like a froglet from that angle! Wonderful photo – our first one was forest green…


  11. Green Volkswagen bug. *sigh*
    Love your green photo.


  12. This is fantastic! Love the old shots and green bug!


  13. The pics of your and your wife are classic! What a fun post ~ Kat


  14. we had ours in yellow! i wish i was old enough to have taken a photo of it … anyway, i have nice and vague memories of it though. love your two other photos … very sweet!


  15. this is so cool, you even have a classic photo of you and your wife..you are both very good looking..


  16. Did you have to get out and wade/swim through the green muddy water?
    Wonderful photos of you and your wife!


    • dear Fergie,
      I was a minute UNDER the water inside the car, anxious to get drowned, the car lay on his side, door was not to open, dear mom above me behind the driver’s wheel – don’t ask me, how I got out! My mother was in panic and ran in panic barefooted 10 kilometers back home. When the forester came, he asked me: what have you done? Why driving so silly? I replied: my mother sat behind the wheel. The forester and his friends laughed loudly – they did not believe me and answered: never heard a teenager giving such an untruth!


      • Oh Frizz, how scary it must have been! I would be in a panic too!
        At that time, I probably would have been very upset with the forester and friends for laughing, given an almost-drowning incident.


        • hi Fergie,
          that car gave me some more scary moments: equipped with only one brake system (nowadays two systems are technical standard) I had my hell, when the brake liquid ran out, no brake power left: and the car was running down a long hill (7 kilometers) with some curves. The car filled up with 5 students on their way to the university. It was a ride to hell. After ten minutes high speed we entered a little town (called Soest); I will never forget that grandma, crossing slowly the street. We ended up in a gasoline stations’ heap of old tyres / pneumatics – since then I believe there’s a God or at least an angel, having an eye on me …


          • Oh my goodness, Frizz, those are traumatic situations! I hope everyone was uninjured and ok, including poor grandma crossing the street. The way you describe it, it seems like something you would see in a movie – but how very frightening to actually experience it!


            • some actions maybe would be good for a Laurel and Hardy movie; for example one night short before midnight I had to drive very fast, because midnight was the dead line for being back to military. If one was late, the next leaving was blocked for a while. Unfortunately it was not only dark but also very foggy, you could not see your own hand before your eyes – unable to see, where the windy road with curves made the way. So I took my head out off the car’s window to watch the white line down on earth in the middle of the road. That seemed a creative kind of navigation. Next morning one could read in the local newspapers, that some automobile drivers crashed together with their heads, who had the same idea of navigation. This time I was the lucky one. Not my friend. He drove with his Karmann Ghia under a truck, head cut off:

              Car Stories


  17. Hi Frizz,
    What a story! I love the photo of you on the roof of the bug! Great post!


  18. I never owned a VW “Asphalt Bubble”, but I noticed that the owners have always been happy – and those I know have always talked about their VW with pride – I always had “German” cars – 3 Opel and 15 Ford – only one green, the color of my first Ford Mondeo was called dark juice green… 🙂

    Your lovely lady is wearing something green too… 🙂


  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: GREEN | Serendipity 13

  20. Great shot of the car. It almost does look alive and the textures on top are great.


  21. Nice memories. My best friend had a white VW like yours and we had some wild times in that car!


  22. vastlycurious.com

    Perfect green punch buggie!


  23. Great story and cool pics!


  24. Wolfgang Hermann

    my green part:

    tatoo 4 - green corner


  25. I love this story. I am glad you got out of that car. My first car was a VW bug too, in red.


  26. What a story… Lucky you to get put without injury. Your mom ran home bare feet? Did she check to make sure you were safe before she took off? 🙂


  27. Wolfgang Hermann

    i had the next shape of the vw with only one small window in the backside and the car had an “erbswurst-green”
    only the girl inside was not so pretty as yours
    (but she is not my wife)


  28. “erbswurst”
    was esst ihr so in Graz, Erbswurst auch?
    – und dazu ein Wein aus eigenem Garten?


  29. Ahhh …. the VW. A car we kept together with chewing gum. It never stopped running or disappointed us. The perfect car for us when it was just 2 of us. ~~~ : – )


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