GOOD FRIDAY – Passion Week

photo of the day by Miguelángel
Banda de trompetas y cornetas
click on the photo to enter the flickr galleries of Miguelángel = Miguel A. Adam
second photo of the day, related to Passion Week and Good Friday, shot in Paris:
The Passion, Paris
… – click on the photo to enter the flickr galleries of Marji Lang

Español: Ecuador, Quito, Viernes Santo 2010: P...

Español: Ecuador, Quito, Viernes Santo 2010: Procesión del Jes´su del Gran Poder. English: Ecuador, Quito: Procession on Good Friday 2010 (Procession of Jesus of the Great Power).. Équateur, Quito,Vendredi saint : Procession de Jésus au grand pouvoir. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

11 responses to “GOOD FRIDAY – Passion Week

  1. Oooh that’s a bit scary, what are the hoods about?


    • yearly ritual in Spain on Good Friday and during Passion Week;
      they are playing “sinners” on processions and the hoods are to keep their identity anonymous.
      We know Ku Klux Klan uses hoods for anonymity too –
      but in Spain the meaning is completely different, it’s not racism.
      Though I am an atheist I was very impressed by the seriousness of the people,
      when I watched GOOD FRIDAY processions in Madrid some years ago…


  2. Miguel A. Adam

    Thank you very much for selecting one of my photos to illustrate the passion week.


  3. This whole thing is so interesting…religion thing. These photos get my mind going!


  4. great shot very interesting


  5. Very powerful, indeed!


  6. title=”The Passion of the Christ” by peregrino27
    The Passion of the Christ
    click on the picture to enter peregrino’s flickr galleries!


  7. These violet and magenta robes and pointed hats and masks in this Good Friday reenactment parade remind me of the costumes of the Ku Klux Klan! A very appropriate metaphor, I think!


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