Ruined Silence

Marek Zyga
photo via by Frizztext
I like silence – there’s something like silence or solitude, meditation or concentration needed for creativity. Recently, visiting a friend, I discovered a new sculpture in his living room. I noticed there is a message. I asked for the name of the artist: Marek Zyga. I asked for the title. No answer. Now I’m searching for a title, but (I’m German) it is not easy to say it in English. Made some trial and errors this morning like: The penetrated ear? The perforated ear? The perforated / penetrated mind? Passing through? Filtered through? Informations running from one end to the other? Informations boring through? Penetrating informations? Media world, penetrating our minds? Music, penetrating our souls? Music everywhere, perforating our emotions? What do you think? Could you help me? Suggestions?

more about the Polish artist:

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

21 responses to “Ruined Silence

  1. Nel

    From your options I pick Filtered through.

    The title I suggest is Resonating tact. I see this as a sculpture representing careful consideration before opening one’s mouth.


  2. theWomanAtTheWell

    “Lost In The Translation”

    Beautiful sculpture, good find, Frizz!


  3. Tone deaf. Maybe Hearing aid. I can picture him say “Speak louder, I can’t hear you.”


  4. Some good suggestions. How about…The Sounding Horn?

    Doesn’t make much sense, but that’s what came to mind. (shrugs)

    Good picture.


  5. Heidi

    I agree with Tone Deaf, that is perfect!


  6. “Ruined Silence” is the one I like best.


  7. One word came immediately to my mind…”MIGRAINE”
    The right ear ringing, a horn blasting in the other, a tight helmet, blurred vision = “migraine”.


  8. Great sculpture … I think ” High-Pitched” might cover it. He’s certainly
    going to hear every pitch. Hope it helps …


  9. thirdhandart

    The sculpture looks like one ear is covered and the other has an antique hearing aid in it.
    How about “Propaganda Machine”? A propagandist could use such a helmet on other people to help spread their propaganda.


    • we are all victims of several propaganda machines: in local news, in world news, also we could need some fences vs. music, street traffic noise, nonsense produced by children, priests, military staff, TV-talk show masters etc. maybe we would be glad with no ears? we can close our eyes but can’t close our ears. my cat agrees, purring. I’ve switched off the loud-speaker-system of my PC. no more youtube.


  10. Interesting and unique image.


  11. An all time preferate and a lot of true life experience for many_ Jacks and no Jacks…:)


  12. Wolfgang Hermann

    ich kann’ s nur in deutsch vertständlich sagen: meiner meinung nach wollte der künstler ausdrücken, dass wir botschaften aufnehmen und interpretiert weitergeben – deshalb wäre mein titel “personal interpretation ”
    wie auch immer – es ist eine interessante sculpture-


  13. It is a beautiful piece… I also like silence from time to time… Too much noise in the world already. 🙂


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