Weekly Photo Challenge: Faces

Famous male faces
© Famous Faces – Takkoda, published by teNeues, www.teneues.com. Photo © 2010 Takkoda. Please do not name any real person, living or dead, in conjunction with the images. These are real pets, not real celebrities. The well-known individuals have not had any involvement in the creation of the images and they have not approved them, nor has their approval been sought for the publication of these images.
The book “Famous Faces” by takkoda, teNeues Publishing Company 2011, is an encyclopedic effort like Madame Tussaud’s project. But it is a satyric project: All celebrities are featured as animals: The authors, “Takkoda” (Sioux word = anonymous for two pet loving British couples) – they used digital tools, no living animal was harmed for this pet parodies. Maybe I’m wrong sometimes trying to analyze that modern iconography, some of them I did not recognize, I’m German not British, I’m a philosopher, not a pop music fan: but I’m sure, other readers would identify more of the famous faces. By the way: “The well-known individuals have not had any involvement in the creation of the images and they have not approved them …”
Famous Faces+Famous male faces
12 more portraits at
do you know all the twelve?
some of them are dead, others still living 🙂
British photographer sued for jokey Che Guevara dog card


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

24 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Faces

  1. northernnarratives

    I looked at the links and I did not recognize all the faces. I like the Start Trek one. Good job with faces.


  2. jakesprinter

    Nice post


  3. Haha! This is awesome! I definitely see who they are trying to resemble.


  4. Thanks for stopping by my site. I appreciate it. Have a great day ahead! 🙂

    Thanks for the pingback as well.


  5. A very unique entry. Thanks for sharing 🙂


  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Faces « my name's aRVee

  7. OMG Frizztext!!! 😆
    That picture reminds me of a very famous designer and you know who I am talking about… I won’t name him but we both know who he is because he is German… OMG !!! What a riot! 🙂


  8. Love the facial expressions.


  9. compare my post

    Faces of things

    Tribute to Francois + Jean ROBERT
    photo by frizztext


  10. thirdhandart

    The pets dressed to look like famous people are too cute!


  11. Very good, I love the the mono of the girl with freckles. I went back again and again! Oh and your pareidolics as well. Love them.


  12. related:

    photo by Antonio Serna, on Flickr, sent to my group BLOG IT!


  13. Don Genaro

    title=”Don Genaro” by gdiazdeleon, on Flickr, sent to my group BLOG IT!


  14. Portrait - Black on Black
    portrait shot by my friend Tom McFarlane, R.I.P., who sent, in his lifetime, many photos to me …


  15. _1070299
    Photo: The Italian artist Prof. Luigi Frappi and Annabel – photo uploaded by Luigi Frappi


  16. Pingback: Weekly-photo-challenge-Wonder « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  17. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Breakfast « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

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