Pachelbel – modern version

Johann Christoph Pachelbel composed 1680 a piece in D major. That was a never ending inspiration for musicians: for big orchestras as well as for solo instrumentalists. The guitarist Trace Bundy has a very original fingerstyle technique to feature the main bass line. Because the microphone is on a very sensitive level, he does not need the right hand for picking the strings: a new chance for jovial arrangements!
found via


video, featuring me, testing four guitars

but, the devil, I should stop guitar playing,
because everybody knows there are great guitar-GODs on tour outside …

the furious Tommy Emmanuel

and now the TRACTOR music, I’ve found on youtube:

the Swedish TRACTOR band;
the drummer is such a cute fellow!
tell me, if you didn’t smile after listening …

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

18 responses to “Pachelbel – modern version

  1. So if I look at my talents and skills in playing my guitar then you too are one of the Gods.

    I can’t recognize how Bundy makes the flageoletts with only one hand …

    And thank you 😉


  2. related?
    the worst guitar teacher ever:


  3. Terrific sequence and enjoyed each one… 🙂


    I am the sum total of my experiences. Or not.
    I had to collect all my courage to leave a guitar jazz session group – and start a new way of working in a recording studio in another town …


  5. related:

    Being Bold

    and a letter:
    … mein ziel war es immer, nach jeder jazz-session auch eine ton-aufzeichnung zu haben, die man dann auf einer demo-cd sammeln kann. ein pianist mit recording-möglichkeiten hat mir nun eine solche arbeitsweise verlässlich zugesichert. ich habe mich somit entschlossen, ab märz mich auf eine solche arbeit im tonstudio zu konzentrieren, solange, bis eine CD mit meinem lieblings-repertoire zusammen gekommen ist. meine geldlichen mittel werden naturgemäß von diesem projekt völlig verschlungen. aus anderen musik-projekten musss ich mich zurückziehen, mindestens so lange, wie kein geld mehr ins tonstudio wegfließt …


  6. related:
    “Love is like a mustard seed; planted by God and watered by men.”
    changed to:
    “Music is like a mustard seed; planted by feelings and watered by a guitarist.”


  7. Café Blues
    as I entered that Starbucks Café in SoHo, Manhattan, I immediately fell in love with the painting on the wall: Louis Armstrong; and the man sitting by the window, seemed to share a kind of “Satchmo”-mood …


  8. related:
    Is there anything you push yourself to do,
    because you know that you’ll like the end results?
    yes, playing guitar …


  9. P.S.:
    and now the TRACTOR music, I’ve found on youtube:

    the Swedish TRACTOR band;
    the drummer is such a cute fellow!
    tell me, if you didn’t smile after listening …


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