
Nietzsche illustrated

Maybe Nietzsche nowadays would say: We don’t need no wars. At least no wars between different religions. It is nonsense to fight for Mohammad or Jesus, because God, God is dead

ART photo: Sculpture of León Ferrari, Biennale 2007, Venice: Dead End of US politics? No way out of Iraq (disaster of foreign affairs), crisis on the US financial markets – dead-end for all the conceptions of US politics, both republican AND democratic?

León Ferrari, Biennale 2007

Originally uploaded by Frizztext

once I wrote about NIETZSCHE:

“As long as one is still young, one tries to philosophize. One guesses the delirium which philosophy has produced, one dreams of copying it and of carrying it further. The youth likes itself in the trick of the heights; with a thinker youth loves the tightrope walker; in Nietzsche they loved his poses, his mystic clownery; really a summit fun fair …” wrote Emile Cioran.

But nowadays with Nietzsche one has his problems. Maximum embarrassingly had been how Nazi-leaders misinterpreted and misused Nietzsche for their race theories, veiled by Richard Wagner’s melodramatic style.

If one takes his gossip of the “Superhuman” [Übermensch], nevertheless, as the psychoanalytic classified attempt, to know himself as gotten sick in need of care (fallen ill with Syphilis) between sister and mother, rescue less wedged, and therefore, as a counterbalance, get lost in the daydream to be a new Dionysus or a Greek God (at first mockingly, then in the final stage schizophrenic megalomania), – then his efforts seem to be “human, all too-human”.

TROY / Machiavelli
title=”TROY / Machiavelli”
by Frizztext, on Flickr

What does not kill me will make me stronger “ he tried to persuade himself emphatically, in fear to have a lack of courage. The treating physicians probably did not tell him (regarding the prudery of that time) the shocking truth of the irreparable gravity of his illness.

Philosophy is a kind of revenge versus reality … he wrote full energy, high-spirited. One dreams to have a power, which one does not possess in the reality. Nietzsche’s writings are a sort of compensation of a frustrated human being, writings like a battle-cry, tattooed deep in the soul, hoping to get managed a departure into success.

The only germ of a flaming up love relationship – namely to Lou Salome (later companion of Rainer Maria Rilke and at the same time famous first female psychoanalyst in the circle of Sigmund Freud) – this only germ, rich in chances of an erotic self-realization, was trampled down by the heavy envy and jealousy of his frigates-like sister and his mother.

“asymmetry” by jonathan charles

Aged twenty, however, he had used a experimental way, practicing his sort of sexuality, which seemed at first sight easy and more cheap, in the final effect has been full of pain: There are two things, a genuine man wants: danger and play. Therefore, he wants the woman, as the most dangerous toy …” he noted in juvenile carelessness. He himself reported to the doctors in Leipzig and Jena, who should treat him against his Syphilis infection, that he had practiced brothel visits 1865 in Cologne and 1866 in Leipzig.

A winter horse
title=”A winter horse” by raphic, Flickr

Indeed, he had a strange nervous breakdown already in 1865 in Trieste by the fact that he, weeping, embraced a horse (hit by a coachman) and then collapsed. The actually heavy outbreak of the mental illness caused by Syphilis is dated by doctors on 1888. Nietzsche’s note The degree and kind of person’s sexuality reaches up into the topmost summit of his spirit …“ oscillates on this background ambiguously of course with a maybe unintentional double-sense. Certain are that only the final phase of his writing (ecce homo) is to be considered as intellectually clouded.

Yet we have the duty to weigh with necessary care the writings before 1888. But even as a heavy nursing-destitute he still produced some special diamonds of written language: If you look for a long time into an abyss, the abyss afterwards also looks into you inside … “; “He who has a goal to live for, is able to endure almost everything … ” or: There are servile souls, which propel the appreciation for given benefactions so far, that they strangle themselves with the snare of gratitude … ” That means evidently, that he only rather sullenly will have submitted himself under the over-protection, coming from his sister and mother. Nevertheless, no superhuman-power could help him to escape their claws.

Point of view
, originally uploaded by
Philippe Sainte-Laudy, Strasbourg, France
his website:
photo was shot in Andalusia, Spain
near Pantano de los Bermejales, A-338

On the other hand, maybe just by the distance to an everyday life Nietzsche was able to focus the society in such a cool manner – and to daydream completely undisturbed a total free self-reliant human being. This ideal type is a little bit shaped like Nietzsche himself: The “Superhuman” is a strong-minded and unbound philosopher, but sometimes the cautious and shy philologist Nietzsche is shining through.

On the one we remember the popular Nietzsche-slogan “God is dead”, then, on the other hand, we feel, that his origin from a priest’s family has not passed – and we even suppose, that the negative posture towards the religion and the minister’s family, are finally only the two sides of the one and same coin.

Though – the religious criticism of Nietzsche is not to understand only psychologically as an opposition against his family background (11 forefathers on the paternal side were ministers): To see denominations critically has been the intellectual behavior of that time. Nature science, Kant, Descartes: they shocked the church authorities of those days.

title=”happy METROPOLIS” by Frizztext

Nietzsche’s mocking remark Madness of single persons is something rare, but the madness of groups, parties, crowds seems to be the rule … ” qualifies his personal fate (syphilis) nearly not as bad as the (“healthy”) foolishness of the masses – especially, if one considers, what the German history planned to bring up …

And because he wrote (and his power-mad sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche has forgotten to censure and to extinguish that during the posthumous publication of his writings:) He who thinks a lot, is not suitable for a party man; too soon he thinks through the party throughout … ” – because he wrote this, it is not to be accepted seriously, that he could have live in harmony with a National Socialist party NSDAP.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Image via Wikipedia

Also he brought on paper: I mistrust all dogmatic and systematic and avoid to contact them. The will to a system is a lack of righteousness. And, elsewhere: “Convictions are more dangerous enemies of the truth than lies.” Or (without ever having heard an O-tone of Goebbels or Hitler, Nietzsche formulated timeless brilliantly): With a very loud voice in the neck one is nearly unable to think fine things.”

The most valuable examinations are found latest, but the most valuable examinations are the methods– Nietzsche wrote. Indeed: if one did not take Zarathustra’s words as instructions for war lords or other dubious idols, but, in the contrary, classifies this work as a brilliant, highly ironical effort to use language creatively, Nietzsche’s books would have a fair chance to survive. Maybe his ability to describe psychological subjects will live longer than some of his philosophical disputes. The collection of R.J. Hollingdale (he died 2001) is a very good chance, to proof Nietzsche’s message…


About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

24 responses to “Nietzsche

  1. postadaychallenge2011

    Wow, the jet with Jesus touched me deep. I am going to keep this one.


  2. What an wonderful ode to Nietzsche here! Wow… you outdid yourself 🙂


  3. And what is your native language? There are strange little grammar glitches that don’t go with the intricacies of your content. The whole thing is rather startling. Unfortunately, my native language isn’t English either, which is why I wonder about yours.

    (And I have not found out what this has to do witrh Flickr. Of course now I am sorry I deleted last week’s pingback from you, as there was something about “nude” and also “Flickr”, and I knew Flickr only as a photo collection.)


  4. 😀
    I see. At Amazon. Well, my primary language is also German, but I am Swiss and so more or less dropped German in order to learn English.
    Now my German has become a strange thing which I find very hard to handle.
    But I have been reading Habermas recently and survived the effort.

    In my other message I said “pingback” auf gut Glück, da ich nämlich nicht weiss, was ein Pingback ist


  5. @cantueso:
    1. 6 from 7 photos are from the flickr pool, featured now at wordpress – with links to flickr
    2. sorry for that bad English, I’m German, but maybe nevertheless fragments of my writings can be understood and are inspiring for a debate or a small quotation …


  6. I don’t think your English is bad, and the little mistakes cannot easily be corrected. They are of the more intangible kind. — You left a message on my other blog thanking me for those “lists”, — do you mean the verb lists? Those are for beginners! Your mistakes are not on that level.

    The only thing I could pinpoint is that you ought to try and avoid the German “man”. “One” is not so very common in English, and there is no easy substitute except in spoken English, where they use “you”, and in newspaper English where the passive is omnipresent.


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    God ist wot. I agree . I do love the first photograph from Leon!!



    Frizz!! I am really behind on your A-Zzzzz Challenge. Where are we please?


  18. Pingback: Escape or resist? | Flickr Comments

  19. Pingback: Nietzsche Quotes | Flickr Comments

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