Ranking Nations


Kai Heumann

Originally uploaded by Frizztext

Which are the happiest countries? There are some yearly ranking lists. Often on top: Denmark, Sweden. For me it is important, if music is there in a community. As a guitar player I like countries like Spain, UK, Ireland, USA, parts of Latin America. There are countries where they do not sing very much, when they are together. Can’t believe that they are really satisfied.

video clip, featuring my friend Kai Heumann during the “International Week of Guitarists” in my hometown Wuppertal – longer version at Kai Heumann on youtube – with some links to other solo guitarists’ versions of BLUE MOON …

feedback by will wilson, san francisco:
This piece is so often presented at a slower tempo — too carefully, musicians seeming a little like pedestrians trying to avoid stepping in something. What an improvement! He is charmingly offhand.  Love the little riff toward the end of the clip.

related to the topic RANKING NATIONS:
1) HAPPIEST COUNTRIES by “mybusinessaddiction”
2) RANKING ANIMALS by frizztext


waldemar parra + kai heumann

for to translate the German part into English
I’ve added an html-code (only google-machine):
translate good German to bad English

Viele schöne Tage habe ich letztes Jahr in meiner Lieblings-Musik-Kneipe “Café Esperanza” in meiner Heimatstadt Wuppertal verbracht. Zum Beispiel mit den Gitarristen Kai Heumann (rechts) und Waldemar Parra (links); zwischendurch konnte man glatt vergessen, dass unsere gegenwärtigen Gesellschaften vom Gelderwerb korrumpiert sind, dass ein Musik-Leben, besonders in Deutschland, von der Konsum-Gesellschaft dem Kommerz und den teuren Eintrittskarten zugeführt worden ist – anders, als ich es in Ländern wie Spanien und Irland, Brasilien oder den USA erlebt habe: Dort ist Musikkultur jenseits des kommerziellen Denkens noch anzutreffen als Stil des fröhlichen privaten Zusammenseins.

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

15 responses to “Ranking Nations

  1. mia1984

    I’ve always wondered why Scandinavian countries are happiest… I wanted to do research on Scandinavian films IRT to this fact. Funny, my theme today is also music. I’ve been obsessing over this song:


  2. by the way in Germany we are not allowed to watch your video, some copyright problems for us, blocked to view …


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