
Once I founded the photo group EXISTENTIALISM – visit http://www.flickr.com/groups/existentialism/ (more than 1.300 members in the meantime). But though I’ve read Kierkegaard and Kafka, Sartre and Camus, Heidegger and Nietzsche: I am still silly enough to believe, animals could also realize that stylish EXISTENTIALISM-feeling … – tell me, if you don’t think so …
A sentinel Alpine Chough on the lookout
photo via flickr.com by Ben Visbeek, Amsterdam
frizz-comment: he seems to be something like a CHURCHILL character between all those common birds … (by the way I also read Konrad Lorenz, a scientist, trying to understand the mind of animals…) read more in the discussion thread of my group at http://www.flickr.com/groups/existentialism/discuss/72157624265343247/
