Pull the plug

Strolling through Berlin I found the order: “PULL THE PLUG”. Beside the fact, that I, diving, could not find any plug down in the dark water, what would be result? Finding old Nazi gold on the ground? For sure not. Maybe on a Swiss bank. When they made dry in Amsterdam a canal, they found some old rusty bicycles there. When they made dry a canal in Venice, they found missed female sculptures of Alberto Modigliani there. After a while one noticed: that was a fraud. But some of the nude sculptures had been sold for a high price.
photo by frizztext – click on the picture to enter his BERLIN galleries

About Didi van Frits

writer, photographer, guitarist, painter

14 responses to “Pull the plug

  1. Very interesting information, Frizz …


  2. Pingback: Not For Sale; Pulling The Plug Today! « What about God?

  3. Ha! I love this. I’ll remember this when something isn’t going right…..just pull the plug!


  4. Excellent! That says it all, eh?


  5. It is a smart move to draw our attention to the water. 😉


  6. I really enjoy this photo!!!


  7. FRizz, you and your wicked sense of humor! This is just TOO good: pulling the plug on assumptions, more like!


  8. Pingback: A new generation in Berlin « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  9. Pingback: Story Challenge Letter B « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

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